Hello everyone! I’m The Mohawk Tech. A 90’s Punk who never grew up, and took the “anarchy” mindset to computers as I grew up. Got into hacking, went to school for Network Administration, and worked almost 20 years in IT. All that said, I have a Love/Hate relationship with Technology. This blog will be a mix of Rants, and Tech tip ideas on how to use tech as a tool rather than a crutch, and how to put tech to work FOR you, instead of against you the way Google, Microsoft and Apple (etc, etc etc) all want you to use it. Break away from the accepted “norms” as those are narratives designed to destroy and enslave.
Anyway, with that said. Welcome to my corner of the Internet, where Technology, Faith and Anarchical Chaos mix together. #EnjoyMyMadnessWithMe