
I’m the most Anti-tech tech person you’ll ever meet. I’m more about trying to do things myself, rather than rely on any Company. I used to be in IT, and I thought I loved it, until the beast pulled it’s mask off, and I realized how bad (By design) all these “screens” are for us. Don’t get me wrong, Computers can do a LOT of good things for us… Phones CAN too… but they don’t. We get addicted, we stare blank at these screens all day long. My site is a platform I built and run by myself, and I have a lot of warnings about Technology that I would hate myself if I didn’t start sounding the alarm.

Politically, I am pretty much an Anarchist, and still a Patriot. I love America, but cannot recognize what it has become. I cannot support either party, they are two wings on the same bird. So when I make political comments (and I’ll probably make a lot of them).. understand I have almost always voted against the incumbent, I do not TRUST government to have “all” power, because they have been corrupted absolutely, as our founding fathers warned us about.

And finally, the thing that holds me together… I’m a Christian. Biblical Literalist, and End time believer. I’ve seen beyond the veil, and walked with spirits, and I can attest that Christ is the Lord of Spirits, Lord over us all.. That being said, you’re perfectly free to believe whatever you want, and I don’t judge you (I just think you’re wrong). But I’m perfectly fine “agreeing to disagree” on many things with people in general.

So with that, I’ll say welcome to my chaos. Let’s Navigate this crazy world together!