Here we go… lets put on our Tin Foil hats, while I quick talk crazy “End Times” things. Some of my friends have continued to ask me when I point out how troubling things are… they’ll say “How are you so okay with this? doesn’t it freak you out?” and my answer, honestly has been “Nah man, I’m good. I’ve got a very personal relationship with Christ, he’s called me by name, and called me Son. I know what side I’m on, and I know how the story ends, I’m just eating popcorn, and yelling ‘get right with the Lord’ warnings to everyone I know, because I truly care about people, and I want to see them in Heaven.
I truly believe we are perfectly positioned for a “Mass Deception”.
It is time to log Off
I am posting this, because after a lot of prayer, I’m going to start moving to using ONLY this website, and my domain for any form of communication. I will be moving off, and deleting all of the following accounts, and platforms.
This is due to me no longer wanting to feed the transhumanist machine. All, every single company is guilty, the “distraction” was that you were products because they “sold your data” to third parties, etc etc. But the REAL game, is that your data is being stockpiled, and used to build a digital copy of you, that will then be fed into the AI’s these companies have and are building. Those AI clones of you, will be able to perfectly build your own reality, feeding you exactly the news or distractions that these companies want to use you for. think of it, essentially it’s mind control. MKULTRA on a mass scale, the digital matrix.
A few thoughts on troubling tech
This post might get a little long, but I’ll start with an outline quick:
- AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- Quantum Computers
- mRNA vaccines
Who I Am
Let’s start with a few simple truths:
- I am a Child of God, A Disciple, A Warrior of the Kingdom of Heaven.
- I believe the Bible is a pretty literal history of the planet, our existence, and our place in creation, how God loves us more than we deserve.
- I believe Jesus Christ is who he said he is, and He did what he said he was going to do. He has called me by Name, and given me a purpose, and Gifts through the Holy Spirit.
- I believe ALL of us, every human, every creature, everything that has life is fallen and sinful, and ONLY after being washed in the blood of Jesus, and believing in HIM as your savior, can ANY of us come to the father.
That all being said… I’ll get to what I feel I need to write. It’s a long post.
Fear NOT. There’s a Plan.
It’s no surprise right now, that many are “scared”. I get it. The news is terrifying. How can we survive? 4 planes, in 4 days? Massive Fires across California, Deportation of Criminals, EVERY country getting angry.
all of this negative news, is by design. The crashes are purposeful attacks, so are the fires. But they are NOT from who we think they are. It’s the dark shadow cabal of world powers, threatened by the end of their reign. They lash out like the blood thirsty beasts they are, hoping to make our will fall, so that we’ll stay willing mindless slaves.
but we wont. Don’t be mislead. The banks are falling, The intel agencies are losing their power. Trust the Plan.
Here, If you’re curious… watch these: – Deep State Infection
Ben Stein’s Movie Expelled ”No Intelligence Allowed”-full movie
Stay Vigilant, Stay Alert, Stay Frosty
Okay, I’m not going to mince words in any way… I didn’t start hosting my own blog for me to censor myself after all…. so that all being said… I’ll say take EVERYTHING from here on out with a healthy grain of salt, pray about discernment and make up your own mind, but I’ll lay out things from my perspective now.
*Consider yourself Warned*
Alright, So I’ll start by giving a lens through which to view the rest of this post. First, above all, I’m a Christian. I believe the Bible is Literal, I believe Christ was who he said he was, and that he bore the price for all our sins. 2nd, I’m an Anarchist. I don’t believe in “party”, they are both liars and thieves. That said, The Democrats, put Child sacrifice & mutilation/sterilization as their #1&2 issues on the ballot… that to me screams “Evil”. Republican’s are “stupid” … but We can work with that, it’s an education issue… Evil is a core/corruption issue, can’t work with that… throw it out, and start over.
Since the Election. The following have happened. I may or may not break them down, we’ll see how the brain-dump goes.
- Reports of 1000+ ISIS trained agents have crossed our borders
- Similar #’s to Europe
- Drones seen Flying over New Jersey and the Eastern Seaboard.
- China
- DeepState/Intelegance/NGO Secret Tech
- Iran launching from a “mothership”
- Looking for Nuclear material?
- Aliens?
- Angels/Demons?
- Escalations with War in Ukraine/Russia
- Russia fires Nuclear capable missles in response
- Ukraine begs to keep going
- UK & France try to Escalate
- A bunch of Euro countries Governments collapse
- South Korea marshall law, and 2 presidents impeached.
- Biden Pardons his son, for EVERYTHING, for a … “suspicious” amount of time, convienently going all the way back to cover the whole “burisma” scandal.
- also pardon’s many ACTUAL criminals, including the kids For Cash guy and more… and pedo’s and other strange inexcusable things…. considering he’s “unfit” to run for office again… (and shouldn’t be in office currently)
- Now terrorist attacks on the 1st, with VERY strange coincidences. and One for sure having ties to previously mentioned 1000+ agents (tho this one seems home-grown)
- Strange “lingering” fog seen all over the US.
I don’t know what to make of it all.. I don’t even really care… I just know that The Government lies about everything, so even when they are telling the truth, you never know… Things are Odd, that’s all i’m going to say.
All those things, are VERY concerning. Almost enough to keep a person up at night. I say almost, because I’m content. I know God is in control. Things will be Okay. Just keep your Eyes open. Be aware. Be alert. It’s Important to protect your family & community, and sadly right now… you have to question everything. Trust your gut, Trust the Lord. We’ll get through this soon, and whatever comes, I pray we’re wise enough to see through the setup for the mass deception.
In Conclusion, Arm yourself both with defensive weapons like pepper spray, taser, etc. Keep your eyes open. Go to church, FELLOWSHIP with your neighbors. Push away negative influences, and cling close to the Lord.
Psalm 23:1–6
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
I think overall, it’s important to remember how often the Government and other authorities have lied to us. So question ALL information you’re given. Try to get info from AS MANY alternate sources as you can, to gather perspective, and make YOUR decision based on the TOTAL aggregate of all the data. We are being set up for a Mass Deception, so it’s very very important to not trust anything right now. WAIT for the facts, don’t act on the emotional impulse.
New Year…. What’s coming next?
Welcome to 2025. In about 20 days, Donald Trump is taking office again, the current administration and all it’s woke deep-state actors is grasping for breath, backed against the wall, and not going down without a fight. We’ve seen since the election, Escalations on every single war front, Sponsored attacks from Ukraine into Russia, Sponsored and Endorsed attacks against Syria, and all of Israels enemies… We’ve seen drones over the eastern seaboard. We’ve seen AI (OpenAI and others) try to copy itself and avoid deletion. AND we’ve seen Quantum computers that can solve equations so complicated that the “only explanation” is that it’s tapping into some sort of “multi-verse”
I know personally, That shit terrifies me. However, I rest easy in knowing that Christ is king, and his declaration of “it is finished” was him bringing God’s plan to completion. All of these machinations and schemes of Satan to bring us further and further away from Jesus, are for nothing.
I think this year will be a changing point. More people will see things they can’t explain, they will start to see actual SHOWINGS of God’s amazing power, and start to turn to Jesus. I hope to see a beating back of all the demonic influences in Technology, from the trans-humanist agenda, to AI (the Ooija board of the new technology world. I’ll write something about this later…. )
I think the more people start to disconnect from their phones, disconnect from social media, and connect with PEOPLE locally, do stuff with family, spend time actually talking to one another, that things can and WILL get better. but we have to realize the error of our ways, and start to walk away from the corporate and government, engage with those around us, and have faith that Jesus will get us through all of this.
We are Living in a Terminator Timeline
So one of the worrying things that has plagued my mind, is AI and the fact that in ALL forms of testing and analysis, it seems to lie, try to “escape” and finds humans irritating. If you take that, and the “all gas, no brakes” development style the world seems to be taking towards adding power to AI anyway, and pair it with all this scary new surveillance and military drone & robotic technology… I see a dangerous, ominous future close over the horizon.
You have these drones flying over New Jersey, Spy balloons, Super computers, Companies that hoover EVERY single bit of identifiable information about every user to build “profiles”. Once AI is given access to that data, if it hasn’t already, it will be used by all those companies to enact mind control, by filtering all information we receive. all phones on the market since 2019 have AI chips that can be enabled via software updates. Those chips, and the fact that Phone companies, and manufactures own the keys to any “encryption” on your device, means they actually see and know everything you do on your device. the apps you install, the stores you visit, the routes you drive, the TIMES you leave for work, if you cheat on your spouse, all of it. Google, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook etc. They all have profiles, and they ALL have their own AI’s.. just think about it.

China, and some of the NGO’s have robot dogs with mounted guns on them, or flying drones with weapons, missiles or bombs, etc… equip that with AI, and now we truly have sky-net. yep, keep developing, all gas no brakes. Worldwide internet via Star-link, Everything will connect, and unless we drop technology at that point, we’ll not-so-slowly be ruled by our new “benevolent” robot overlords.
Welcome to The Mohawk Tech Blog
Hello everyone! I’m The Mohawk Tech. A 90’s Punk who never grew up, and took the “anarchy” mindset to computers as I grew up. Got into hacking, went to school for Network Administration, and worked almost 20 years in IT. All that said, I have a Love/Hate relationship with Technology. This blog will be a mix of Rants, and Tech tip ideas on how to use tech as a tool rather than a crutch, and how to put tech to work FOR you, instead of against you the way Google, Microsoft and Apple (etc, etc etc) all want you to use it. Break away from the accepted “norms” as those are narratives designed to destroy and enslave.
Anyway, with that said. Welcome to my corner of the Internet, where Technology, Faith and Anarchical Chaos mix together. #EnjoyMyMadnessWithMe