It’s no surprise right now, that many are “scared”. I get it. The news is terrifying. How can we survive? 4 planes, in 4 days? Massive Fires across California, Deportation of Criminals, EVERY country getting angry.
all of this negative news, is by design. The crashes are purposeful attacks, so are the fires. But they are NOT from who we think they are. It’s the dark shadow cabal of world powers, threatened by the end of their reign. They lash out like the blood thirsty beasts they are, hoping to make our will fall, so that we’ll stay willing mindless slaves.
but we wont. Don’t be mislead. The banks are falling, The intel agencies are losing their power. Trust the Plan.
Here, If you’re curious… watch these: – Deep State Infection
Ben Stein’s Movie Expelled ”No Intelligence Allowed”-full movie