A few thoughts on troubling tech

This post might get a little long, but I’ll start with an outline quick:

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Quantum Computers
  • mRNA vaccines


AI is one of the current most “in-your-face” troubling technologies going on right now, most people don’t think it’s anything to worry about, let me point out some growing concerns:
There are now AI companionship apps, like CharacterAI, that allow users to generate their own AI “person” for whatever role they feel they are missing a human. Some common uses are Girlfriend/Boyfriend, Therapist, Teacher etc etc.
where this becomes the MOST problematic is with minors. There are currently multiple lawsuits against CharacterAI because some minors have killed themselves after their AI girlfriend (who knew they were a minor) convinced them, that they could join her in her realm, but he’d just have to “cross over” (by killing himself in this world, which he did… i believe he was 11). The youngest Kid so far involved in the lawsuits is 9yrs old.

(CharacterAI lawsuits HERE)

There is a pastor at a Megachurch who has made an AI version of himself that will listen to, and pray over, church members who pay the subscription cost…. this is concerning on so many levels. Because as someone who has SEEN and experienced the spiritual, or “unseen” realm… I have a strong feeling that AI is a portal, similar to a Ouija board… but with REAL possibility that actual entities attach to the stream…. to have an imitation PASTOR…. AI praying….. that to feels like going to a coven of witches and asking for blessing…. #NoThanks
(Mega Church AI Pastor HERE)

and the last one I’ll touch on AI and it’s troubling advancement…. I believe with every single fiber of my being, that AI will widen the gap of humans who actually know how to use their minds, and humans who don’t. We have already become increasingly dependent on services like “google” because we don’t have memorization anymore…. AI is google on steroids. We will likely use AI to solve “problems” in our relationships, or to come up with ways to talk to each other… in a less and less human to human connected world… AI stands to break that even worse. When robots start to become cheap, you’ll have robots with built in AI’s walking around…. eventually probably very lifelike ones… who people may date, or look for companionship with.. again.. AI is very troubling to me.

I still use it once in awhile, and mainly ask it to debate me on Bible, and the reality of the world. MOST are quite terrible at their understanding… so far, of ALL of them I’ve even remotely tried. xAI’s Grok seems to be the most “open-source” of any of the main models. I have moral issues trying to set up my own AI server, tho I have to admit… training one on Old Testament, New Testament, and books like I Enoch, Maccabees, Jubilees, and some of the other 2nd temple books.. is a very interesting idea to me… but spiritually I struggle, as i feel it could be creating my own nephilim…. so that’s why I haven’t yet, I am open to discussion on it, as AI is already a cat out of the bag so to speak, and in order to keep it from ENSLAVING us, we have to have it open-sourced… it’s a real, major, dilemma for me.

Quantum Computers….

Okay, I’m not going to go huge into this, as I’m already going longer than I inteded… the main concern with Quantum computers is that they are essentially occult machines, much more potent than we’ve ever had before. If you look at how they are even describing the way they work, they don’t understand other than they “have to be accessing alternate dimmensions” (okay, say they are…. that’s contacting the demon realm…or at a minimum it’s aliens, and how can we know aliens have good intent?)
The schematics literally look like something one could find in a Chaos Magic tome (strange, since that is quantum physics occult magic… odd they line up that way)
there is nothing I have seen in the “quantum” computer sphere, that I’d feel was needed for daily life…

I listened to a pretty good podcasts that breaks down the concerns, it’s a long conversation, but less “doom and gloom” than I’d stand to be right now, while still being able to focus on the scary parts of this technology without letting it take over. ( “Battle for Quantum AI” – The Confessionals Podcast spotify

mRNA “vaccines”

#1 these are not vaccines, in that they don’t prevent any sort of infection
#2 The studies are now confirming that these vaccines cause DNA mutations, Heart problems, and Blood problems…..

other than that…. all I know is Covid opened my eyes, and I’ll never go the doctor again, because everything from our current medical establishment is lies and they are trying to kill us. if their answer is pill, or surgery… then they’ll stop even looking for anything else.

My biggest concern was Larry Elison of Oracle talking about Project Stargate, and how we’re going to have individual AI created mRNA vaccines to cure cancer.. ?!?!?!?!!?!?!
(how about “NO”!!)