Here we go… lets put on our Tin Foil hats, while I quick talk crazy “End Times” things. Some of my friends have continued to ask me when I point out how troubling things are… they’ll say “How are you so okay with this? doesn’t it freak you out?” and my answer, honestly has been “Nah man, I’m good. I’ve got a very personal relationship with Christ, he’s called me by name, and called me Son. I know what side I’m on, and I know how the story ends, I’m just eating popcorn, and yelling ‘get right with the Lord’ warnings to everyone I know, because I truly care about people, and I want to see them in Heaven.
I truly believe we are perfectly positioned for a “Mass Deception”.
Okay, so rather than chase every rabbit down it’s hole. I’m going to try to stick to the topic of pointing out that we already have all the keys to the mark of the beast. and that all of these technologies are being tested.
Quick Reference so I don’t lose track to my ADHD.
- Phones track, monitor, watch, and program (through propaganda and screens/bluelight/mk-ultra stuff)
- AI “logic” focus, removal of feeling. People have already proposed having AI government, for “fairness”
- mRNA vaccines, created for Individuals, based on AI analysis of YOUR blood. “for cancer”
Now, if the bullet points alone don’t scare you into thinking “hrmmmmm… what in the world could any of these be?”
well…. the mark of the beast will be implanted in your head, and hand…. and Elon is already working on Brain-implant computer/AI interfaces with neuralink, and as I said we already ALL have phones, that are tracked and pumped through AI (Either Google’s or Apples, or Samsung’s or China’s, but it’s happening.) and all our phones already have AI chips in them (anything made after 2020 is AI equipped by hardware). if you add neuralink (which through testing, gives INSTANT control response to computer/phone), and that phones already have the capability to work as payment interfaces. I think that pretty securely places phones & neuralink as key candidates……
Then we have AI. We’re already seeing it influence almost EVERY aspect of our lives, and it is becoming harder and harder to avoid. The other day, I was out at a new bar and grill, and they had a robot to deliver food to the tables. it malfunctioned often, and needed a human… who was incredibly horrible at an easy job… it was off putting, and I wont be going back. But robots ARE becoming mainstream, and replacing humans. And I’ve heard many, MANY people say that AI government feels inevitable, because of fairness. and that AI can solve all of man’s problems… (this is HORRIBLY false, because AI is terrible, and wrong, and lies, and does all kinds of nefarious things already, before it’s becoming truly self aware.) and Elon and others (china, Russia, and all the AI players) say we’re getting VERY close (by 2028) to getting a Truly AGI and fully sentient by 2030.
mRNA vaccines, are the final piece to the puzzle. There is evidence post Covid-19, that the mRNA vaccines tamper and change DNA. there are so many negative health effects, because it wasn’t well tested. However, they are “sure” that by using AI to analyse everything, they will be able to cure cancers on an individual level.
yes yes, that’s great, i’m glad…. even though they’ve already had the cure for cancer for 40 years or more. THIS … THIS will really do it…. No, no it wont. I’m sorry, I can’t do it. It will link all the previously mentioned technologies, and effectively JOIN us to “the machine”, and with all phones linked to the network, and all network run by AI, we will then, be in the matrix.
The last, and I don’t know if final, but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt in expediting any of these technologies, is Quantum Computers. they are currently trying to join Quantum and AI… and they don’t understand either… Not fully, or enough. So the fear, is that once Quantum AI happens, that “the matrix” will be instant, and nobody will even know it happened.
I would like to Close in a written prayer, because again, as I stated in the beginning. I have ZERO fear, and I don’t want to instill fear in anyone, I only hope to open eyes, and hearts, so they repent and be saved.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your word. Thank you for everyone who reads this, and is moved to even put down the phone once in awhile, and spend time with their families. Bless us Lord, because we are a stupid, stubborn, stiff necked people, who continue to think we know better, we continue to rebel, and mock you lord. Please help give us the words to speak out against these obvious evils, and Stand in YOUR word. Help us not fall victim to the great deception, and Please spare us from the Mark, and spare us from your wrath. We know that the story ends victoriously, so Lord let us have the strength to stand defiant in the face of evil, that our hearts might not fail us.